Motor Vehicle Division experiencing a three to four month title backlog, click here to request expedited title.
Our Office Is Now Located At:
120 Industrial Dr. Suite 1, Spearfish, SD 57783
Our Phone Numbers Remained The Same.
If you, or someone you know, has a problem with gambling, help is available with the South Dakota Council on Problem Gambling.
The toll free number is 1(888) 781-HELP(4357).
Calls are referred to Gamblers Anonymous groups near their home town.
South Dakota Commission on Gaming
The South Dakota Commission on Gaming is a five-member commission appointed by the Governor of the State of South Dakota. The Commission regulates limited wagering in Deadwood, as well as live horse and simulcast racing. To see a list of Commissioners, please click here.
Commission staff is under the direction of Mark Heltzel, its Executive Secretary and consists of two divisions: Enforcement and Operations. For general inquiries and licensing questions, contact Learn more about Gaming Laws & Regulations.
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Applications & Fees
Live Racing & Simulcast Licenses
Exclusion List
The Enforcement Division is responsible for conducting background and criminal investigations relating to limited gaming in addition to monitoring casino gaming activities. The Enforcement Division is under the direction of Mark Heltzel, Deputy Executive Secretary.
The Operations Division conducts regular compliance and revenue audits of casinos within the City of Deadwood. They are responsible for slot machine inspections and all statistical data regarding gaming and racing activity within the jurisdiction of the Commission. The Operations Division is under the direction of Kelly Hanson.
Applications & Fees
The types of Individual licenses issued by the commission are listed below. All applicants must submit completed fingerprint cards with their application to the South Dakota Commission on Gaming. The cards must be obtained from the South Dakota Commission on Gaming, Deadwood office at (605) 578-3074.
Licenses for Individuals/Employees
Support License
A person licensed by the commission who is working or who is about to work for an operator or retailer in any way directly related to gaming must complete a Support License Application (PDF). The application fee is $50 and the license fee is $50 with a calendar year (January through December) renewal fee of $25. Learn more on the Gaming page in the Businesses section of our website.
Key Employee License
Any executive, employee, or agent of a gaming licensee having the power to exercise a significant influence over decisions concerning any part of the operation of a gaming licensee must complete a Key Employee License Application (PDF). The application fee is $150 and the license fee is $150 with a calendar year (January through December) renewal fee of $75.
Live Racing & Simulcast Licenses
Hub Key License
Any executive, employee, or agent of a Multi-Jurisdictional Wagering Hub in South Dakota having the power to exercise a significant influence over decisions concerning any part of the hub operation must complete a Hub Key License Application (PDF). The application fee is $50 with an annual renewal fee of $25 by December 31st of each year.
Hub Employee License
Pari-mutuel clerks at a Multi-Jurisdictional Wagering Hub or persons in any capacity directly related to these hub locations must complete a Hub Employee License Application (PDF) The application fee is $35 with an annual renewal fee of $20 by December 31st of each year.
Simulcast Pari-Mutuel License Application
This is used for licensing of pari-mutuel clerks at simulcast sites and a Simulcast Pari-Mutuel License Application (PDF) is required. Note: if you have a valid Deadwood support license, you are not required to obtain this license.
Multiple Category Live Racing License Application
Licensing for Live Horse Racing will begin October 4, 2023, 3:30PM CT at the Stanley County Fairgrounds. No pre-licensing will be available prior to that date.
If you have questions, please call the Pierre office at (605) 951-9173.
Exclusion List
More information
Looking for additional information regarding Gaming. It is available under the Business / Gaming tab. Check out some of the most popular choices using the following links:
Gaming Online Forms
HUB Employee HUB Key Gaming License Renewal Application
Complete Form HUB Employee HUB Key Gaming License Renewal ApplicationGaming Frequently Asked Questions
Information about the South Dakota Commission on Gaming, laws, regulations and the seven types of gaming licenses issued to the general public.
Deadwood, South Dakota is located approximately 60 miles from Mt. Rushmore on scenic route 385.
Blackjack, craps, keno, poker, roulette and slot machines.
Nine (9) percent gaming tax on the adjusted gross proceeds of gaming allowed by SDCL 42-7B-28 & 28.1. In addition to other fees imposed, there is also a license stamp fee upon each card game or slot machine located on a licensed premise. The annual fee for this stamp is two thousand dollars. SDCL 42-7B-23.
There is Native American gaming in South Dakota at the following locations:
- Dakota Sioux Casino, near Watertown, South Dakota
- Dakota Connection, Sisseton, South Dakota
- Fort Randall Casino, near Wagner, South Dakota
- Royal River Casino, Flandreau, South Dakota
- Lode Star Casino, Ft Thompson, South Dakota
- Golden Buffalo Casino, Lower Brule, South Dakota
- Rosebud Casino, near Mission, South Dakota
- Prairie Wind Casino, near Pine Ridge, South Dakota
- Grand River Casino, Mobridge, South Dakota
The same games that are offered in Deadwood, SD.
Yes; Triple Crown Casino, North Sioux City, SD.
Live horse racing is offered in the spring of each year at both the Stanley County Fairgrounds, Fort Pierre, South Dakota and the Brown County Fairgrounds in Aberdeen, South Dakota.
You must be at least 21 years of age for wagering in the casinos in Deadwood and at the tribal casinos. You must be at least 18 years of age for wagering at simulcast locations and live horse racing events.
The State of South Dakota participates in the South Dakota Council on Problem Gambling which is located in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. The toll free number is 1 (888) 781-HELP(4357). Calls are referred to Gamblers Anonymous groups near their home town.