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Motor Vehicle Division experiencing a three to four month title backlog, click here to request expedited title

Abandoned Vehicles

The title to any abandoned or junk motor vehicle, any wrecked vehicle, or any impounded vehicle shall transfer to the removal agency after 30 days from the date the notice was sent. If the owner fails to claim and remove the vehicle within 30 days after the mailing of notice, the title will be issued to the removal agency.

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Abandoned Motor Vehicles
Removal Agency
Abandoned Vehicle Title & Registration
Abandoned Vehicle Fees
Other Abandoned Vehicle Resources
Abandoned Vehicle Online Forms



Abandoned Motor Vehicles

Any motor vehicle that has been left on a public street, or highway, or left on private property without the permission of the landowner or tenant.


Removal Agency

Any public body, private, or nonprofit organization authorized to remove and salvage abandoned and junk motor vehicles and other scrap metals. The removal agency may be authorized under law to remove vehicles SDCL 32-30, may be hired or appointed by a public body or may be in the business of removing or salvaging vehicles. The following are criteria that must be met to qualify for application for an abandoned vehicle title:

  1. The vehicle must have been towed by a removal agency.
  2. Written notice, by certified mail, must have been sent to the owner and any possible lienholder, within 45 days of removal of the vehicle.

No removal agency may remove abandoned, wrecked, or impounded motor vehicles from private property without written permission of the landowner or tenant. If the vehicle is being removed by the removal agency the written notice must be on a form provided by the Department of Revenue.

  1. If the removal agency does not give notice within 10 days from the date of removal, no storage may be charged beyond the 10-day period until the notice is mailed.
  2. Notice must be sent within 45 days to qualify for an abandoned title.

For vehicles left unclaimed for a period of 30 days, as a result of an unpaid repair bill on private property, please refer to Transfer of Ownership on an Unpaid Repair Bill of the Motor Vehicle Division Procedures Manual. For a vehicle that is 11 years old or more and acquired as a result of the purchase of property (for example, a farmer on whose land there is an abandoned vehicle), or similar situation, the landowner may apply for a title. If the record owner is on file:

  • proof of notice by certified letter to the record owner and any possible lienholders of the intent to apply for a title
  • an affidavit of facts
  • an application for title and a title fee.

To determine if a record owner is on file, please contact the Motor Vehicle Division. The Motor Vehicle Division reserves the right to deny the application if it is determined that sufficient documentation is not provided to establish proper ownership of the vehicle. Titles obtained through this process are not an abandoned vehicle transaction and the title is not branded “abandoned”.


Abandoned Vehicle Title & Registration

An Application for Motor Vehicle Title & Registration must be completed and filed in the county of the applicant’s residence in order to submit a Notice of Abandoned Unpaid Repair Bill, Storage Facility Lien, or Auction Agency.


Abandoned Vehicle Fees

Motor vehicle titling and registration fees are processed through your local county treasurer’s office. The cost of the application is $10.

Standard Fee Type Cost
Special Serial Number $25.00 (please make checks payable to the Department of Revenue)
Title $10
Lien Notation $10
Solid Waste $1
Mailing $7.50


License Plate Fees

These fees are based on the weight and year of the vehicle.


Other Fees

  Fee Type Cost
Excise Tax Tax 4% of purchase price on all motor vehicles
Wheel Tax Tax View which counties impose this tax
Duplicate Title Fee Title $10


Other Abandoned Vehicle Resources

Abandoned Vehicles Online Forms