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Military Plates - Veteran, Tribal & Active Duty


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Military Plate Fees
Military Plates - Veterans
Military Plates - Veteran Indian Tribal
Military Plates - Active Duty
Other Specialty Military Plates
Veteran, Tribal & Active Duty Military Plate Online Forms


Veterans and active duty military owners of a motor vehicle who possess an active South Dakota driver license or South Dakota ID card may apply to the Secretary of Revenue for special license plates. Get started by completing an Application for South Dakota Military License Plates


Military Plate Fees

Upon initial application, the registration fee is charged in addition to a $10 fee. A $7.50 mailing fee is also assessed. Upon renewal of the plates, the applicant pays the registration fee but is not assessed an additional fee for the plates. This is true for all plates unless otherwise noted. Applicants for medal related license plates will also need to provide a copy of their DD214 form, copy of certificate awarded upon presentation of medal, or other official documentation that substantiates eligibility.


Military Plates - Veterans

Veteran / Women Veteran

Any resident veteran owner of a motor vehicle, who possesses an active South Dakota driver’s license or SD ID card and is an honorably discharged veteran having served on active duty in the armed forces of the United States may apply. Applicants will choose the emblem and the indicator below the emblem. If no indicator is chosen the branch of service will be printed below the emblem.

Apply Now

  Vehicle Plate Woman Veteran Vehicle Plate Motorcycle Plate
Air Force Plates Air Force Veteran Plate Woman Veteran Air Force Plate Air Force Veteran Motorcycle Plate
Army Plates Army Veteran Plate Woman Veteran Army Plate Army Veteran Motorcycle Plate
Coast Guard Plates Coast Guard Veteran Plate Woman Veteran Coast Guard Plate Coast Guard Veteran Motorcycle Plate
Marine Plates Marine Veteran Plate Woman Veteran Marine Plate Marine Veteran Motorcycle Plate
Navy Plates Navy Veteran Plate Woman Veteran Marine Plate Navy Veteran Motorcycle Plate
Space Force Plates
Fee Veterans will pay the cost of registering the vehicle and an initial $10 for the special plates. Veterans will pay the cost of registering the vehicle and an initial $10 for the special plates. Veterans will pay the cost of registering the vehicle and an initial $10 for the special plates.
Apply Complete a South Dakota Application for Veteran and Active Duty Military License Plates and Affidavit. Complete a South Dakota Application for Veteran and Active Duty Military License Plates and Affidavit. Complete a South Dakota Application for Veteran and Active Duty Military License Plates and Affidavit.
Applicable Law SDCL 32-5-154 SDCL 32-5-154 SDCL 32-5-154


Military Plates - Veteran Indian Tribal

Any resident veteran owner of a motor vehicle, who has a valid SD driver’s license or SD ID card and who signs an affidavit attesting that he/she is an honorably discharged veteran having served on active duty in the armed forces of the U.S. You do not have to be a tribal member.

  Vehicle Plate
Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe
Crow Creek Sioux Tribe Crow Creek Sioux Tribe
Flandreau Santee Sioux Tribe Flandreau Santee Sioux Tribe
Lower Brule Sioux Tribe Lower Brule Sioux Tribe
Oglala Lakota Sioux Tribe Oglala Lakota Sioux Tribe
Rosebud Sioux Tribe Rosebud Sioux Tribe
Sisseton Wahpeton Oyate Tribe Sisseton Wahpeton Oyate Tribe
Standing Rock Sioux Tribe Standing Rock Sioux Tribe
Yankton Sioux Tribe  
Fee The initial fee for the Veteran Indian Tribal plates is $10. A $7.50 mailing fee is also assessed.
Apply Complete a South Dakota Application for Veteran and Active Duty Military License Plates and Affidavit.
Applicable Law SDCL 32-5-154


Military Plates - Active Duty

Available to a resident owner of a motor vehicle, who has a valid SD driver’s license or SD ID card and who sign an affidavit attesting that he/she is currently service on active duty in the armed forces of the United States. Applicants will choose the emblem and the indicator below the emblem. If no indicator is chosen, the branch of service will be printed below the emblem.  

If the SD driver’s license or SD ID card is expired, a copy of his/her active duty paperwork providing dates and location for their active duty station must be provided. 

  Vehicle Plate Motorcycle Plate
Air Force Plates Air Force Vehicle Plate Air Force Motorcycle Plate
Army Plates Army Vehicle Plate Motorcycle Plate
Coast Guard Plates Coast Guard Vehicle Plate Coast Guard Motorcycle Plate
Marine Plates Marine Vehicle Plate Marine Motorcycle Plate
Navy Plates Navy Vehicle Plate Navy Motorcycle Plate
Space Force Plates
Fee Applicants will pay the regular plate fee and an initial $10 special plate fee. Applicants will pay the regular plate fee and an initial $10 special plate fee.
Apply Complete a South Dakota Application for Veteran and Active Duty Military License Plates and Affidavit. Complete a South Dakota Application for Veteran and Active Duty Military License Plates and Affidavit.
Applicable Law SDCL 32-5-154 SDCL 32-5-154


Other Specialty Military Plates

Other specialty military plates, such as Air Force Cross, Bronze Star, Bronze Star with Valor, Distinguished Flying Cross, Distinguished Service Cross, Disabled Veteran, Medal of Honor, National Guard, Navy Cross, Pearl Harbor Survivor, POW, Legion of Merit, Purple Heart, Silver Star and Gold Star are also available.

Veteran, Tribal & Active Duty Military Plate Online Forms