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Trailer & Homemade Trailer Title & Registration
Trailer & Homemade Trailer Fees
Trailer License Plates
Trailer Online Forms


Trailer & Homemade Trailer Title & Registration

An Application for Motor Vehicle Title & Registration must be completed and filed in the county of the applicant’s residence. The application must be signed by the record owner(s) or by an authorized agent for the record owner(s). If the application is signed by an authorized agent, a Power of Attorney document must be attached to verify the appointment.



Trailer & Homemade Trailer Fees

Trailer titling and registrations are processed through your local county treasurer's office. License fees on trailers and homemade trailers are determined under the current Non-Commercial Trailer License Fee Schedule (PDF). Homemade trailer exceeding 3,000 pounds, are required to go through the rebuilt application process and inspection. Homemade trailers 3,000 pounds or less may request an assigned serial number from their county treasurer to begin the title application process.

See Title & Registration Fees


Trailer License Plates

Owners of trailers used with automobiles, pickups and vans weighing less than 6,000 pounds must purchase a regular annual trailer plate. There is no restriction on the weight carried by trailers licensed in this manner. Vehicles licensed for gross weight (commercial and non-commercial) may tow any regularly licensed trailer as long as the weight of the trailer plus its load is included in the gross weight license of the towing vehicle. A trailer being pulled by a truck licensed under the declared gross weight schedule or a commercial licensed vehicle may display a trailer identification plate. This will be the only license identification required on the trailer. The $10 fee is a one-time only charge, as long as the trailer is owned by the applicant. No identification plate may be displayed on a recreational vehicle. In the event the trailer identification plate is lost, the licensee must complete a duplicate plate affidavit and submit a $10 fee to the county treasurer.

  Trailer License Plate Trailer ID License Plate
Trailer License Plates Trailer ID License Plate Trailer License Plate
Fee Varies based on the weight and year of the vehicle. $10 identification plate
Apply Apply with motor vehicle form 608. Apply with motor vehicle form 608.
Applicable Law SDCL 32-5 SDCL 32-5-8.1


Trailer Online Forms