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Motor Vehicle Division experiencing a three to four month title backlog, click here to request expedited title


All snowmobiles used on land and any frozen public waters within South Dakota must be licensed, except for private lands owned by the snowmobile’s operator.


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Snowmobile Title & Registration
Snowmobile Fees
Snowmobile License Plates
Snowmobile Online Forms


Snowmobile Title & Registration

An Application for Motor Vehicle Title & Registration must be completed and filed in the county of the applicant’s residence. The application must be signed by the record owner(s) or by an authorized agent for the record owner(s). If the application is signed by an authorized agent, a Power of Attorney document must be attached to verify the appointment.



Snowmobile Fees

Snowmobile titling and registration are processed through your local county treasurer's office. License fees for snowmobiles are $10 per snowmobile for one year. Fee will be prorated based on the date of registration similar to other licensed motor vehicles. Payment must be made prior to the operation of, or permitting the operation of, any snowmobile within this state.

See Title & Registration Fees


Snowmobile License Plates

Resident snowmobile decals must be permanently attached to each side of the snowmobile, below the windshield and on the hood cowling. Residents can purchase them for $10.

  Vehicle Plate
Snowmobile License Plate Snowmobile License Plate
Fee Cost is determined by the SD Game, Fish & Parks
Apply Applications are directed through the SD Game, Fish & Parks
Applicable Law SDCL 32-5-9.1


Snowmobile Online Forms