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Historic Vehicles


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Historic Vehicle Title & Registration
Historic Vehicle Fees
Historic Vehicle License Plates
Display of Original Issue Plates on Historic Vehicles 
Historic Vehicle Online Forms

Historic Vehicle Title & Registration

As vehicles are bought and sold, the title becomes the legal documentation of each change in ownership. Both the buyer and the seller must follow specific procedures to ensure the title is properly transferred from one owner to the next. Motor vehicle titling and registration is handled through your local county treasurer’s office. See below for all applicable license fees that must be paid to the county treasurer. An Application for Motor Vehicle Title & Registration must be signed by the record owner(s) or by an authorized agent for the record owner(s). A Power of Attorney form must be attached to verify the appointment if the application is signed by an authorized agent.

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Historic Vehicle Fees

License fees on historic vehicles fall under the standard license fee of $10.

See Title & Registration Fees


Historical Vehicle License Plates

If you own a non-commercial automobile, pickup truck, van, or truck that weighs less than eight thousand pounds, a retired firetruck, or a motorcycle, that is more than thirty years old at the time of application you may apply for historic license plates. The applicant must submit an Application for South Dakota Special License Plate form and a $10 fee. You can see a list of license plates our office has previously issued in the Historical License Plates Overview (PDF).

  Vehicle Plate Motorcycle Plate
Historic License Plates Historical Vehicle Plate Historical Motorcycle Plate
Fee A fee of $10 shall be assessed. A fee of $10 shall be assessed.
Apply Complete an Application for Special License Plates (Form 1304). Complete an Application for Special License Plates (Form 1304).
Applicable Law SDCL 32-5-77 SDCL 32-5-77


Display of Original Issue Plates on Historic Vehicles

If you own a motor vehicle which is more than 30 years old—and only drive it on special occasions such as displays, parades and exhibitions—you may apply to display original South Dakota numbered plates issued in the same year as the model year of the motor vehicle on which they will be displayed. The plates must be in good condition and used in pairs. The applicant must submit an Application for South Dakota Special License Plate form, a $10 fee, and a photograph of the license plates.




Vehicles displaying historic plates may be used for pleasure transportation, public displays, parades, and other related pleasure or hobby activities, and may be driven to and from any facility providing motor vehicle maintenance or repair. Historical plates may not be used for daily transportation to and from a place of work or for commercial transportation. No motor vehicle for which historical plates have been issued may be driven more than four thousand miles per year. The license plates shall be permanent for the life of the vehicle. 

Regular licensed plates issued by the state in the same year as the year of the vehicle (this does not pertain to motorcycles) may be used on the vehicle instead of historic license plates. 

Historic Vehicle Online Forms