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Motor Vehicle Division experiencing a three to four month title backlog, click here to request expedited title


Boat owners are required to apply for a title within 45 days of purchase. Decals must be mounted on both sides of the boat and registration must be kept in the boat at all times.


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Boat Title & Registration
Exemptions from Boat Titling
Boat Fees
Boat License Plates
Boat Online Forms


Boat Title & Registration

Title and register your boat at your local county treasurer’s office. Title and registration fees are also paid through your local county treasurer’s office. You can also renew your boat registration online or at a DMV Now Kiosk. Upon registration, the applicant must provide ownership documents (e.g., manufacturer’s statement of origin, bill of sale, dealer invoice or purchase agreement) if the dealer price certification has not been completed on the application of new boats. 

Exemptions from Boat Titling

  • Non-motorized boats 12 feet and under in length
  • Canoes, inflatable vessels, kayaks, sailboards and seaplanes

Get started by completing a Boat Registration Application & Transfer of Ownership Form.


Boat Fees

Type Cost/1 Year
Non-Motorized Boats Over 12' and Boats Propelled by Electric Motors $18
Motorboats Under 19' (includes ski jets) $30
Motorboats 19' and Over $55


Other Fees

Description Cost
Certificate of Title - Boat Over 12' in Length and All Motorized Boats (except canoes, inflatable vessels, kayaks, sailboards, and seaplanes) $10
Certificate of Title With Liens $10 + $10 for each lien noted thereon
Duplicate Title Fee $10
Transfer of Boat Ownership - Non-Motorized Boat 12' and Under in Length or Exempted Boats $10
Transfer of Boat Registration - Non-Motorized Boat 12' and under in length or Exempted Boats $2
Administrative Fee for Each Boat License $3
Duplicate Registration Fee $2
Duplicate Boat Decals $2
Mailing Fee $1.50 fee per decal or set of decals


Boat License Plates

Apply for boat decals with the South Dakota Boat Title and Registration Application.

  Motorized Vehicle Plate Non-Motorized/Electric Vehicle Plate
Boat Plates Motorized Boat Generic Decal Non-Motorized Boat Generic
Apply Complete a South Dakota Boat Title and Registration Application. Complete a South Dakota Boat Title and Registration Application.
Fees Additional fees are based on the length and propulsion of the boat. Additional fees are based on the length and propulsion of the boat.
Applicable Law SDCL 32-3A-3 SDCL 32-3A-3


Boat Online Forms