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South Dakota Lottery
Everything you ever wanted to know about the lottery and probably some things you never knew you wanted to know—all in one place.
Lottery Frequently Asked Questions
Everything you need to know about games, licensing and beneficiaries of the South Dakota Lottery.
South Dakota State law requires players to be at least 18 years old for online or scratch ticket purchases. You must be 21 years old to play video lottery. See Law SDCL 42-7A-48.
State laws and regulations do not permit the sale of tickets by mail, phone or internet. Also, federal laws and regulations may restrict such sales. You must buy your tickets from a licensed South Dakota Retailer.
The lottery is required by the IRS to withhold 24% from prizes of more than $5000. When you claim prize amounts of $600 - $4999 we will provide you with a W-2G when you pick up your prize. The state of South Dakota does not tax lottery winnings.
There are a few options to choose from such as Facebook, Twitter and the Players Club. Like the SD Lottery page on Facebook and then hover your cursor over the “like” button and click “Get Notifications” from the drop-down menu. Once you log in or create your Twitter account please search @sdlottery, choose the page and click the “Follow” button. We also welcome you to join the Players Club.
Scratch ticket and lotto game winners are required to be public knowledge. Play It Again winners are also public knowledge.
The South Dakota Lottery is run like any other business. We take revenue in, we account for expenses, and whatever is left over is our net income. Unlike other businesses, however, our net income goes back to South Dakota to pay for things important to South Dakotans.
The Lottery has provided more than $441 million to the state General Fund. Each year, nearly half of the entire General Fund is used to support local K-12 schools and state universities and technical institutes.
The Lottery has provided more than $79 million to the Capital Construction Fund. Local communities use these funds to pay for rural water systems, community drinking water and wastewater improvement projects, plus recycling and waste disposal programs.
The Lottery has also provided $3.46 million to the S.D. Department of Social Services for problem gambling treatment services.