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Motor Vehicle Division experiencing a three to four month title backlog, click here to request expedited title

Contact County Directors of Equalization

County Phone
Aurora (605) 942-7164
Beadle (605) 353-8408
Bennett (605) 685-6991
Bon Homme (605) 589-4210
Brookings (605) 696-8220
Brown (605) 626-7105
Brule (605) 234-4432
Buffalo (605) 293-3286
Butte (605) 892-3950
Campbell (605) 955-3577
Charles Mix (605) 487-7382
Clark (605) 532-3751
Clay (605) 677-7140
Codington (605) 882-6279
Corson (605) 273-4348
Custer (605) 673-8170
Davison (605) 995-8613
Day (605) 345-9502
Deuel (605) 874-2229
Dewey (605) 865-3573
Douglas (605) 724-2688
Edmunds (605) 426-6841
Fall River (605) 745-5136
Faulk (605) 598-6225
Grant (605) 432-6532
Gregory (605) 775-2673
Haakon (605) 859-2824
Hamlin (605) 783-3331
Hand (605) 853-2115
Hanson (605) 239-4445
Harding (605) 375-3234
Hughes (605) 773-7483
Hutchinson (605) 387-4210
Hyde (605) 852-2070
Jackson (605) 837-2424
Jerauld (605) 539-9701
Jones (605) 669-7103
Kingsbury (605) 854-3593
Lake (605) 256-7605
Lawrence (605) 578-3680
Lincoln (605) 764-2571
Lyman (605) 869-2206
Marshall (605) 448-5291
McCook (605) 425-2681
McPherson (605) 439-3663
Meade (605) 347-3818
Mellette (605) 259-3150
Miner (605) 772-4241
Minnehaha (605) 367-4228
Moody (605) 997-3101
Oglala Lakota (605) 745-5136
Pennington (605) 394-2175
Perkins (605) 244-5623
Potter (605) 765-2481
Roberts (605) 698-3205
Sanborn (605) 796-4514
Spink (605) 472-4585
Stanley (605) 223-7789
Sully (605) 258-2522
Todd (605) 842-2300
Tripp (605) 842-2300
Turner (605) 297-3424
Union (605) 356-2252
Walworth (605) 649-7602
Yankton (605) 260-4400
Ziebach (605) 365-5129