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Filing and Paying Taxes Online Help


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What Taxes Can I File and Pay Online?
Payment Options
Additional EPath Help
EPath Forms/Templates


What Taxes Can I File and Pay Online?

Use EPath to file and pay the following taxes:

  • 911 Emergency Surcharge
  • Contractor's Excise Tax
  • Sales and Use Tax
  • Motor Fuel Supplier
  • Motor Fuel Importer/Exporter
  • Motor Fuel LNG
  • Motor Fuel Ethanol Producer
  • Bank Franchise
  • Washer/ Dryer Licenses 


Below is each section and a PDF version for you to print.


Payment Options

Electronic payments may be submitted using a credit card, ACH Debit (you provide your bank information and the account is swept), or ACH Credit (wire transfers). 

If you have additional questions or need additional information to submit your payment through ACH Credit, please check out the payment option guide.


Additional EPath Help


EPath Forms/Templates

Motor Fuel Forms

This Excel file can be used as a template for uploading Motor Fuel Supplier disbursement records. Upon uploading data from this file, your Supplier return is created for you which allows you to then submit it to DOR for processing

Prior to uploading it, this file will need to be saved as a .txt or .csv file.

Schedule of Receipts and Disbursements Template

911 Emergency Surcharge Forms

You may use an Upload File process to complete your E9 911 Emergency Surcharge Return.

Templates are available to use in uploading jurisdiction information for the User lines subject to the $2.00 per user line 911 Emergency Surcharge. The template is available in Excel (*.xlsx); 97-2003 Excel (*.xls) and CSV (*.csv) formats.

Provider Upload Template-Excel Workbook (*.xlsx)
Provider Upload Template -CSV (*csv)

Sales, Use, and Contractor's Excise Tax Templates

Contractor's Excise Tax - CSV (*csv)
Contractor's Excise Tax - Excel (*.xlsx)

Sales Tax - CSV (*csv)
Sales Tax - Excel (*.xlsx)

Select the format you can use and Save it to your computer. The template includes all jurisdictions (counties/cities) that are reported on the State 911 Emergency Surcharge return. Enter the total number of each type of user line for each jurisdiction. Save the file.

To upload the file use Browse to select your file, and then select Upload File. The data will be added to your return. EPath will calculate surcharge, administrative fee, and the total amount due.

Account Setup Frequently Asked Questions

Motor Fuel Ehtanol Producer, Importer/Exporter, LNG, and Supplier licenses and 911 Emergency Surcharge licensees are required to file and pay electronically.

Sales, use or contractors’ excise tax taxpayers may file returns and pay taxes electronically.

EPath is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Licensees may create an EPath account at any time. After you create your EPath account, the Department will mail you the initial password in 3-5 days.

If you already have an EPath account, you may add licenses with the same ownership to that account as soon as you receive the license number.

You need the following to create an EPath account:

  • License number,
  • Owner Name or DBA,
  • Tax due on the last non-zero return (or a “0” for 911 Emergency Surcharge licenses). If you did not have a non-zero return, please contact the Department to create your account.


If you do not have a tax license, you may create an EPath account when completing your online tax application at:

If you did not apply for EPath at the time of registration, you may create an EPath account at any time after you receive your registration number.

You select your username (minimum of 8 characters) when creating an account. The username selected when creating the EPath account is the EPath administrator and is the only user that can add or edit user accounts.

The initial password is mailed to the licensee’s address. You are required to select a new password when you log in the first time. Passwords may be changed online at any time.

Passwords must be a minimum of 8 characters and must contain at least 1 upper case letter, 1 lower case letter, and 1 non-alphanumeric character (!@#$%^&*()?).

If you forget your password, select “Forgot your Password”. You will need to answer one of the three security questions you set when you signed up. If you are not able to reset the password, please call 1.800.829.9188, to have the password reset.

The administrator can allow multiple people (users) to access the EPath account to file and pay returns by creating a username for each person and selecting the license(s) that person may access.

The new user’s account is given a computer generated password. Be sure to provide that password to the new user. The new user must select their own password, enter their email, and answer their security questions the first time they log in. A user can only see licenses the administrator designates.

The administrator is the only user that can add or edit user accounts. The administrator is the user that created the EPath account.

Only one EPath account is required for an owner that has multiple licenses (all operating under the same FEIN.)

To file returns for multiple licenses under one EPath account, create an EPath account using the license number and name for one of the business locations. When you log in, select Change Profile, then Add License. Enter the license number, owner name or DBA of the business and the tax due on the last non-zero return (or a “0” for 911 Emergency Surcharge licenses). Click Add. Select Assigned Licenses. The license added should show in the Current Licenses list.

When you select File Return or Payment all licenses added should show in the top drop down box. If this does not work, verify that each license has the same FEIN, if so, contact the Department at 1.800.829.9188 to help set up the accounts. IF the licenses do not have the same FEIN, you will need separate EPath accounts for each.

If you wish to file only one 911 Emergency Surcharge return for multiple locations please contact the Department at 1.800.829.9188.

EPath is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Current returns will be available about the 1st of the month after the return period.

If you have not filed returns for previous reporting periods, you may do so at any time through EPath.

Filing and Paying Frequently Asked Questions

EPath is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Current returns will be available about the 1st of the month after the return period.

If you have not filed returns for previous reporting periods, you may do so at any time through EPath.

Past due returns and payments can be made online through EPath. This system will automatically calculate interest and penalty for you.

If you do not have an online filing account through EPath you can contact the department at (800) 829-9188 for the return forms and to assist with calculating interest and penalty.

Returns filed electronically are due the 20th of the month.

If the 20th is a Saturday, Sunday, legal holiday or a day the Federal Reserve Bank is closed the return is due on the next succeeding day that is not a Saturday, Sunday, legal holiday or a day the Federal Reserve Bank is closed.

For a complete list of due dates for returns and payments, click here.  

Payments made electronically are due the 25th of the filing month. The Department of Revenue must receive the payment on or before the 25th of the month.

If a due date falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or legal holiday, the next business day is the due date.

For a complete list of due dates for returns and payments, click here.  

Interest of 1% (.01) will be assessed each month on any past due tax until the tax is paid in full. (A minimum of $5.00 interest is due the first month). (Interest of 1.25% is assessed for each month tax is unpaid prior to July 2015).

Penalty of 10% (.10) of the tax liability (minimum $10.00 penalty, even if no tax is due) is assessed if a return is not received within 30 days following the month the return is due in.

911 Emergency Surcharge returns and payments must be filed and paid timely by electronic means to receive the administrative fee.

A confirmation number is generated when the return and/or payment is successfully submitted. Please print the confirmation page for your records.

You will receive an error message if the return or payment is not filed successfully. You will be able to correct the errors and then submit the return.

The Department will mail you a notification if a payment is not honored by your bank.

You will have a credit on your account that may be used on future returns. Motor Fuel and Bank Franchise accounts may request a refund.

All returns and changes to returns are automatically saved. If you did not submit a return, you may access it by selecting File a Return, on the Tax Return Filing Menu, select Edit a Saved Return. Then select the return you wish to complete from the drop down list.

If you select File a Return and select a return previously started, you will see a message giving you an option to restart that return or to select Edit a Saved Return.

Submitted returns will not display under File a Return or Edit a Saved Return.

You may select to receive an email to remind you a return is due. Statements are mailed if returns are delinquent or if there are amounts due or credits on your account.

If you pay by ACH Debit, enter your return information and continue to the payment method page.

  • If the credit is more than the Total Due, select “No Payment at this time.” A negative amount may not be entered into the Amount box.
  • If the credit is less than the Total Due, subtract the credit amount from the Total Due and enter the difference in the "Amount” box on the Scheduled Payments page. The reduced amount will be withdrawn from the selected account. Example: Your Total Due is $100; you have a credit of $20. You will enter $80 into the Amount box on the scheduled payment page.


If you pay by ACH Credit, enter your return information and continue to the payment method page.

  • If the credit is more than the Total Due, no payment needs to be sent.
  • If the credit is less than the Total Due, subtract the credit from the Total Due box. The difference will be the payment amount that needs to be sent by your financial institution.