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Precious Metal & Energy Mineral Severance Taxes & Conservation Tax

The Business Tax Division is responsible for the precious metal and energy mineral severance tax.

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Precious Metals Tax
Energy Mineral Severance Tax & Conservation Tax
Applicable Tax Online Forms


Precious Metals Tax

Report the quantity of metals extracted or produced during the calendar year and the gross yield expressed in dollar and cents.

File Annually

File Quarterly

Energy Mineral Severance Tax & Conservation Tax

Report the taxable value of quantity of mineral extracted or produced.

File Now

Applicable Tax Online Forms

Laws & Regulations

Laws and regulations regarding the collection of precious metal & energy mineral and conservation tax in South Dakota.

Record Keeping

Record keeping is a responsibility of those paying a severance or conservation tax. Keeping accurate and complete records makes filling out tax returns and other reports easier. It also helps us correctly determine your tax liabilities during an audit.