Motor Vehicle Division experiencing a three to four month title backlog, click here to request expedited title.
Bank Franchise Tax
Every financial institution regularly engaged in business in South Dakota at any time during the year must file a bank franchise tax return. A financial institution is defined as any banking institution, production credit association, or savings and loan association organized under the laws of the United States and located or doing business in this state.
File & Pay Your Return
To file a return and/or make a payment, utilize the online Filing and Payment portal.
Filing a Federal Income Tax Extension Request
Requests to file a federal extension with the SD Department of Revenue are due to our office on or before the return was originally due. Each taxpayer is required to file their franchise tax return within 15 days after their income tax return is due. To qualify for an extension to file, send the department the following three items on or before the franchise tax return original due date.
- A cover letter requesting an extension;
- A copy of your Federal Income Tax Extension Request Form; and
- Pay your estimated tax by the original due date. The minimum tax is $200 per return.
Please send a copy of the cover letter and federal extension request to Do not send extension requests through our online Filing and Payment portal. This will delay the processing of your request.