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Manufacturer’s License
There are separate licenses for businesses that manufacturer spirits, cider, malt beverages and wine.
Quick Navigation
Artisan Distillers
Cider Manufacturer
Malt Beverage Manufacturer
Farm Winery
Wine Manufacturer
How to Apply
Artisan Distillers
The annual artisan distillers license fee is $500, payable to the Department of Revenue. No county or city fees apply to this license.
- May manufacture up to 50,000 gallons of spirits annually;
- May operate additional manufacturing locations with the same privileges as the original location; and
- 30% of ingredients must be grown or produced in South Dakota.
The annual distillers license fee is $2,500, payable to the Department of Revenue. No county or city fees apply to this license.
- May manufacture distilled spirits in unlimited quantities;
- May not hold other retail licenses;
- May sell their products to wholesalers; and
- May sell their products to consumers for on-sale and off-sale consumption from their licensed premises.
The annual microcideries license fee is $500, payable to the Department of Revenue. No county or city fees apply to this license.
- May manufacture up to 12,000 barrels of cider annually;
- May sell their products to consumers for on-sale and off-sale consumption from their licensed premises;
- May sell their products to wholesalers. Authorizes up to 600 barrels annually to be sold to retailers (self-distribution);
- May hold small manufacturing licenses and certain on-sale licenses at their licensed premises; and
- Is allowed up to five additional manufacturing locations.
Cider Manufacturer
The annual cidery license fee is $2,500, payable to the Department of Revenue. No county or city fees apply to this license.
- May manufacture cider in unlimited quantities;
- May sell their products to wholesalers;
- May not hold other retail licenses; and
- May sell their products to consumers for on-sale and off-sale consumption from their licensed premises.
The annual microbreweries license fee is $500, payable to the Department of Revenue. No county or city fees apply to this license.
- May manufacture up to 30,000 barrels of malt beverage annually;
- May sell their products to consumers for on-sale and off-sale consumption from their licensed premises;
- May sell their products to wholesalers. Authorizes up to 1,500 barrels annually to be sold to retailers (self-distribution);
- Allows other small manufacturing licenses and certain on-sale licenses to be held on their licensed premises; and
- Permits up to five additional manufacturing locations.
Malt Beverage Manufacturer
The annual malt beverage manufacturers license fee is $2,500, payable to the Department of Revenue. No county or city fees apply to this license.
- May manufacture malt beverages in unlimited quantities;
- May not hold other retail licenses;
- May sell their products to wholesalers; and
- May sell their products to consumers for on-sale and off-sale consumption from their licensed premises.
Farm Winery
The annual farm winery license fee is $500, payable to the Department of Revenue. No county or city fees apply to this license.
- May manufacture up to 150,000 gallons of wine annually;
- Requires that at least 50% of the raw materials used in the finished product are grown or produced in South Dakota;
- Farm wineries have the ability to hold certain additional types of retail licenses;
- Farm wineries are allowed to operate additional manufacturing locations with the same privileges as the winery's original location, and
- Farm wineries cannot use bulk wine in the manufacturing process.
Wine Manufacturer
The annual wine manufacturers license fee is $2,500, payable to the Department of Revenue. No county or city fees apply to this license.
- Wine manufacturers are not limited in total production quantity.
- The quantity of bulk wine used may not exceed 50% of the wine manufacturer’s annual production and the bulk wine must be blended and not bottled.
- Wine manufacturers may only sell wine produced by the licensee to a wholesaler or to a consumer for on-sale or off-sale consumption.
- Wine manufacturers may not hold other retail licenses.
How to Apply
- Click on the “Apply Now” button below
- Start a new application without creating an account.
- Select your business type.
- Select your alcohol license (New or Renewal)
- Complete your application.
- Pay for your application.
Businesses who hold a manufacturer license will receive a courtesy email reminder prior to the license expiring letting them know that it is time to renew their license. Businesses can then log in to our online Filing and Tax Payment portal and select the RENEW link.