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Liquor Retailers & Other Liquor Licenses
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Liquor Retailer
On-Sale (Outside of City Limits)
On-Sale (Within City Limits)
Package Off-Sale Liquor License
Malt Beverage On and Off-Sale and South Dakota Wine Retailers
On-Sale Convention Facility Liquor License
On-Sale Liquor License for Publicly Operated Airports
Wine On and Off-Sale Retailer License
Transportation Company License
Wholesalers License
Special Alcoholic Beverage License
Hunting Preserves Facility On-Sale License
Additional Alcohol Resources
Alcohol Online Forms
Liquor Retailer
On-Sale (Outside of City Limits)
Anyone selling alcoholic beverages, including beer, wine and spirits, for customers to consume on the licensed premises must purchase this license. Contact your local county auditor for the availability of licenses, the cost and what the local process is for obtaining a license.
On-Sale (Within City Limits)
Anyone selling alcoholic beverages, including beer, wine and spirits, for customers to consume on the licensed premises must purchase a Retail On-Sale Liquor License. Contact your local finance officer for the availability of licenses, the cost and what the local process is for obtaining a license.
Package Off-Sale Liquor License
Anyone selling alcoholic beverages by the package for consumers to consume off of the licensed premises must purchase a Package Off-Sale Liquor license. These licenses may only be issued for use in an incorporated city, town, community improvement district, or county. Contact your local finance officer or county auditor for availability of licenses, the cost and what the local process is for obtaining a license.
Fee Schedule
Malt Beverage On and Off-Sale and South Dakota Wine Retailers
Anyone who will be selling malt beverages or wine produced by a South Dakota farm winery for consumption on or off the premises is required to purchase this license for $300, payable to your local governing body. To apply, contact your local finance officer if the business will be located within the city limits or your local county auditor if the business will be located outside the city limits.
On-Sale Convention Facility Liquor License
Contact your local finance officer for the availability of alcohol licenses, the cost and what the local process is for obtaining a license. Examples of Convention Facility On-Sale Liquor Businesses:
- Hotels or motels with convention facilities serving alcoholic beverages.
On-Sale Liquor License for Publicly Operated Airports
Contact your local finance officer for the availability of alcohol licenses, the cost and what the local process is for obtaining a license.
Wine On and Off-Sale Retailer License
Contact your local finance officer if the business will be located within the city limits or your local county auditor if the business will be located outside the city limits.
Additional Retailer License Forms
Click Here To Apply
Wholesalers pay all taxes on alcohol received from suppliers. The Department encourages suppliers to review the codified laws and administrative rules that apply to alcohol sales in this state. Please email if you have any questions about this information. Any supplier wishing to sell alcoholic beverages in the State of South Dakota must complete the following requirements:
- Submit and maintain all brand label registrations online through the Product Registration Online form or our online form, which expire December 31st of each year.
- Submit the required electronic alcohol supplier reporting forms by email on or before the 15th of each month to (Please report total gallons or total barrels sold only).
Transportation Company License
Any common carrier or operator of a private vehicle transporting or accepting for transportation any alcoholic beverage must apply for this license. This does not include carriers in interstate commerce where the shipment originates outside of the state and is destined to a point outside of the state.
How to Apply
- Click on the “Apply” button below
- Start a new application without creating an account.
- Select your business type.
- Select your alcohol license (New or Renewal)
- Complete your application.
- Pay for your application.
Businesses who hold a transporters license will receive a courtesy email reminder prior to the license expiring with instructions on how to renew.
Wholesalers License
Anyone selling wine, spirits, and malt beverages to retailers must purchase the Liquor Wholesalers License. The fee for a wholesalers license is $5,000, payable to the Department of Revenue. A surety bond form (PDF) in the amount of $50,000 is also required. A wholesaler who only sells malt beverages to retailers may obtain a malt beverage wholesaler license. The fee is $400.
How to Apply
- Click on the “Apply” button below
- Start a new application without creating an account.
- Select your business type.
- Select your alcohol license (New or Renewal)
- Complete your application.
- Pay for your application.
Businesses who hold a wholesaler license will receive a courtesy email reminder prior to the license expiring letting them know that it is time to renew their license. Businesses can then log in to our online Filing and Tax Payment portal and select the RENEW link.
Additional Wholesaler Forms
Special Alcoholic Beverage Licenses
State law allows specific organizations the ability to sell and serve alcoholic beverages during special events. These licenses are issued by the city or county where the event is held. An eligible organization interested in holding a special event and selling or serving alcohol should contact the local governing body where the event is to be held. For additional information on the types of licenses, who is eligible, and the privileges with each of these licenses please see our Special Alcoholic Beverage License Tax Fact (PDF). Organizations that qualify include:
- Civic
- Charitable
- Educational
- Fraternal
- Veterans
- Certain businesses with a permanent alcoholic beverage license
Hunting Preserves Facility On-Sale License
Counties may issue a hunting preserve facility on-sale license. The annual hunting preserve facility on-sale license is $500. Contact your local county auditor for the availability of licenses and the local process is for obtaining a license.
- The licensee may only sell alcoholic beverages during the shooting preserve season from Sept 1 to March 31.
- May only sell for onsite consumption.
- May only sell to a guest as part of a hunting or shooting rental package for use of the shooting preserve’s facility and services.
- May not offer alcoholic beverages for retail sales to the general public.
- The facility must have:
- Must have the following in order to apply:
- Lodging License from the Department of Health
- Private Shooting Preserve Permit from the Department of Game, Fish, and Parks